academic behavioural confidence56 dyslexia index 720
QNR respondent #17465316
QNR respondent #17465316 said:
  • 'I find independent learning quite difficult and would prefer more in depth help from tutors to give a clear idae of what is accepted'
Dyslexia Index Dx Factor 1 Dx Factor 2 Dx Factor 3 Dx Factor 4 Dx Factor 5
  Reading, Writing, Spelling Processing Organization & Time Management Thinking & Scoping Working Memory
Dx = 840.57 472.01 493.79 666.09 749.02
Academic Behavioural Confidence ABC Factor 1 ABC Factor 2 ABC Factor 3 ABC Factor 4 ABC Factor 5
  Study Efficacy Engagement Academic Output Attendance Debating
ABC = 47.71 43.14 53.20 97.00 81.00