academic behavioural confidence47 dyslexia index798
QNR respondent #85897154
QNR respondent #85897154 said:
  • 'I don't really like feeling different because people start treating you differently if they know you have dyslexia and they normally don't want to work with you because of this, but having software on a laptop and that helps me alot because i can not focus on writing and listening in lectures so i miss out alot of things and to be truthful sometimes i find i am suppirsed i got into university, and i am where i am. but my acadademic words is not very strong so i find it very had and i don't speak in class because i am not very confident at asnwering questions in case i get them wrong and people laugh, i also hate reading out in class because i get lost sometimes with my reading.'
Dyslexia Index Dx Factor 1 Dx Factor 2 Dx Factor 3 Dx Factor 4 Dx Factor 5
  Reading, Writing, Spelling Processing Organization & Time Management Thinking & Scoping Working Memory
Dx = 765.46 868.15 621.36 811.02 717.07
Academic Behavioural Confidence ABC Factor 1 ABC Factor 2 ABC Factor 3 ABC Factor 4 ABC Factor 5
  Study Efficacy Engagement Academic Output Attendance Debating
ABC = 49.00 25.57 64.80 81.67 22.50