academic behavioural confidence56 dyslexia index 282
QNR respondent #89902966
QNR respondent #89902966 said:
  • ''It would be helpful if more lectures were recorded so that I could go over them again afterwards '
Dyslexia Index Dx Factor 1 Dx Factor 2 Dx Factor 3 Dx Factor 4 Dx Factor 5
  Reading, Writing, Spelling Processing Organization & Time Management Thinking & Scoping Working Memory
Dx = 227.22 366.48 507.91 530.55 110.00
Academic Behavioural Confidence ABC Factor 1 ABC Factor 2 ABC Factor 3 ABC Factor 4 ABC Factor 5
  Study Efficacy Engagement Academic Output Attendance Debating
ABC = 40.71 75.71 83.00 10.33 86.00