... in their writing, students say that they often use the wrong word for their intended meaning; n = 1433; /3000 = 47.8%
... students report difficulties in making sense of lists of instructions; n = 1561; /3000 = 52.0%
... students' spelling is generally poor; n = 1586; /3000 = 52.9%
... when scoping out projects or planning work, students say they prefer looking at the 'big picture' rather than focusing on details; n = 1714; /3000 = 57.1%
... students show evidence of creative or innovative problem-solving capabilities; n = 1896; /3000 = 63.2%
... students say that they find it very challenging to manage their time effectively; n = 2098; /3000 = 69.9%
... students say that they can explain things more easily verbally than in their writing; n = 2117; /3000 = 70.6%
... students show evidence of poor short-term (and/or working) memory - eg: remembering telephone numbers; n = 2234; /3000 = 74.5%
... students show evidence of having difficulty putting their writing ideas into a sensible order; n = 2271; /3000 = 75.7%
... students say that when reading, they sometimes re-read the same word or miss out a line altogether; n = 2237; /3000 = 74.6%
... students are ver unwilling, or show anxiety when asked to read 'out loud'; n = 2152; /3000 = 71.7%
... students report their tutors telling them that their essays or assignments are confusing to read; n = 2112; /3000 = 70.4%
... students show evidence of difficulties in being systematic when searching for information or learning resources; n = 1929; /3000 = 64.3%
... students show evidence of being very disorganized most of the time; n = 1716; /3000 = 57.2%
... when planning their work, students say they prefer to use mindmaps or diagrams rather then bullet points or lists; n = 1700; /3000 = 56.7%
... students say that they find following directions to get to places challenging or confusing; n = 1570; /3000 = 52.3%
... students report regularly getting their 'lefts' and 'rights' mixed up; n = 1551; /3000 = 51.7%
... students seldom remember appointments and/or rarely arrive on time for them; n = 1070; /3000 = 35.7%